Islamic Inheritance Shares for Three Sons

Islamic inheritance shares for three sons

In this case study, one key sharers, namely three sons, are involved. The son receives a residual share. We explore the various categories of sharers and examine the application of Islamic Inheritance and Quranic laws in the estate distribution process between them.

Residual Sharers

In Islamic inheritance law, the concept of residual sharers plays a crucial role in ensuring the equitable distribution of an estate among heirs. Residual sharers are those individuals who inherit from what remains of the deceased’s estate after the primary sharers have received their designated shares.

Residual sharers are typically close relatives, such as male offspring, male ancestors, and male siblings, who become entitled to inherit after the primary sharers, like spouses, children, and parents, have received their allotted portions. Their role is vital in ensuring that the remaining assets are distributed fairly and following Islamic principles. The order of residual sharers is defined under Rule #13 & Rule #14.

Son’s Share as a Residual Sharer in Islamic Inheritance

In Islamic inheritance law, a son is a significant residual sharer. This means that when the estate of a deceased person is distributed among the heirs, the son is entitled to inherit from what remains after the shares of other primary sharers have been allocated. The specifics of the son’s share as a residual sharer are determined by a set of rules established in the Quran and Hadith, ensuring fairness and financial security for the surviving family members. In this scenario, Son is the residual sharer.

Son’s Share = 100% of the estate

Calculation steps performed in this case study:

  1. Distribute the remaining shares according to relative priority (Rule 14)
  2. Son is the only heir remaining receiving share of 1/1 (Rule 14).

Shares by Category:

Relative CategoryShare FractionShare Percentage

Shares by Individual:

RelativeShare FractionShare Percentage
Son 11/333.33%
Son 21/333.33%
Son 31/333.33%
The total number of shares has been increased from 1 to 3 to enable the equitable distribution of shares among sons in whole numbers.

Calculate Your Islamic Inheritance Share

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